
如果你想让我的团队帮你建一个很棒的网站, 点击这里.



拥有超过 2.140亿年 世界各地的人们在网上购物, it’s evident that you need to have an online presence if you want your brand to succeed. 如果你没有网站, you may be wondering how long it would take to get a website up and running.

设计和 网站成本 are typical concerns when you are building a website, 但还有一个你应该考虑的问题, time. 你的网站建设时间就越长, 测试, 和部署, the more potential clients you could be losing to competitors who are already online.

But how long does it take to build a quality website? 还有什么因素会影响这个时间范围? This article will explain what is involved in the website development process and how long it takes to build a functional website from start to finish.


Although you can design and build a website for your company in-house, 大多数企业将这项任务外包给 网站开发公司 or a freelancer to ensure that their website is reliable and usable.

在浏览网站的时候, it may seem like it would be simple to create a menu, 在这里或那里放一个按钮, 添加一些图片, 瞧! 然而, while it may seem simple, a lot is going on to get to that point. Web开发人员使用HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, and other programming languages to create your ideal website.


第一个, we’re going to review the steps of building a website and give you an estimate of how long each step may take. 请记住,这些时间框架是估计的, 这可能需要更多或更少的时间, 视情况而定.

研究 & 选择开发者

第一步是选择开发者. You will want to work with a developer with a reputation for on-time delivery of tasks while consistently remaining on budget. It’s also essential to choose a developer who aligns with the style and aesthetic of your brand.

Depending on your needs and budget, this step could take between a week and a month.

初步的沟通 & 设定目标

After you choose a developer, you will need to meet with them to discuss your website goals. 你有几个选择.

You can allow the developer to make the decisions for your website based on the information you provide them about your vision and mission of your brand and what outcome you are looking for. Or, you can come up with an idea of what you envision your finished website to look like.

Keep in mind that if you leave the developer to decide about the design of your website, that means they have to spend more time getting to know your brand and will create multiple proposals for you. 然而, if you provide even a general outline of what you want, 他们可以就可行的方法给出反馈, 什么不会, 以及他们认为可以改善你网站的内容.

This step of the process could take anywhere from a week to three weeks.


在了解了你对网站的愿景之后, your developer will create multiple website plans to share with you. At this time, you can select a plan and give your feedback or specific revisions or additions. Your developer will then revise the plan as necessary per your input.

This step could take a week or two as you will be communicating back and forth with your web developer.


Your developer will then provide you with mock-ups of how your finished website would look. These will give you an idea of where things such as web copy, 图片, and buttons will appear on your site and the approximate scale of the items.

You should receive a mock-up of each page that will be part of your website. This is the point in time where your feedback is ideal. If there is anything about the mock-up that you don’t like, speak up. Since your website is still in the development stage, it will be easy to make changes.

Keep in mind that the more changes you make, the more it will affect your timeline. Typically it takes about two to three weeks of revisions and mock-up versions before approving a design.


此时此刻, your developer will take the mock-ups that you approved and turn them into your website. Your developer should be contacting you regularly to keep you updated on the progress of your project, 还有一个过程的快照.

If you notice something that wasn’t part of the plan or that doesn’t look like an approved mock-up, 一定要提出来. It’s easier to fix something at this stage than it is once your website goes live.

Depending on the complexity and size of your website, this part of the process could take one to two months, possibly longer if you are making a substantial amount of revisions or additions.

评论网站 & 做出修正

Your developer will send it to you for review now that your site has been designed, 测试, 和推荐十大靠谱网赌平台. Carefully review the website and make sure it looks and performs as expected.

If you have reviewed the mock-ups provided thus far, there should only be minor changes that need to be made, 如果有任何. Checking the site and identifying any issues will take between one and two weeks.

Get a Professional Website That Generates More Leads

For a professionally designed website, you can anticipate a timeline of about five to six months. 这似乎很长一段时间, 这是可以理解的, you would want your website to launch as soon as possible. 然而, it’s essential to ensure that you provide a responsive website that potential customers can easily use to find the information they need.

在KangoMedia, we design websites and digital marketing campaigns that convert website visitors into leads and paying customers. 我们专注于帮助您发展业务. 我们不仅仅是一个推荐十大靠谱网赌平台提供商. 我们是你们成长的伙伴.
我们谈谈你的生意吧! 请立即推荐十大靠谱网赌平台 免费的咨询推荐十大靠谱网赌平台.


今天与KangoMedia联系! Let us craft a website that drives your business forward.
